
A Resource for Introductory Market Making and Market Microstructure Theory

Roadmap Homepage

Kevin Ramlal Homepage


  1. Introducing the Roadmap

  2. What is a Market Maker?
    • The role of market makers in efficient markets
    • Transaction costs
    • Bid-Ask spreads
  3. Introduction to Liquidity and Market Microstructure
    • Defining Liquidity and why it’s important.
    • Defining Microstructure.
  4. Introduction to Price Discovery.
    • Glosten-Milgrom
    • Kyle (IPR)
    • Ho Stoll (IPR)
    • Amihud-Medelson (IPR)
  5. Introduction to Limit Order Books
    • Depth
    • Imbalance (IPR)
    • Queue Priorities (IPR)
  6. Mathematical Underpinnings of Market Making (IPR)
    • Probability
    • Time Series
    • Control Theory
  7. Python simulation of a Market (IPR)
    • Can we simulate a market + market maker